What is Salvation?

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6


Salvation in the Bible is being saved from sin that separates everyone from God and dooms them to hell to pay for their own sin forever with no reprieve. By grace alone, God made a way for us to be saved when He, Himself became the man, Jesus. Taking upon all sin and dying as a sacrifice on our behalf. 

Salvation Defined

Salvation - The reversal of damnation. A transfer of the state of a person from being counted amongst those who are condemned to spend their eternal after-life away in a place of punishment known as hell, to a state that is considered as being in favor with God and looking forward to spending eternity partaking in a relationship with Him and others under such state.

Forgiveness of Sin

Forgiveness (of sins) - An act of God through which a means of absolution of sin and punishment. Sin is a burden bearing down on each individual born since the first people made choices for themselves apart from the will of their creator God, and results in a constant and consistent pattern of behavior that is in conflict with the initial intent of the creator God; this is known as sin.

Salvation comes through the Forgiveness of sins. That is something only God can do, and has in fact done, by personally paying for the penalty of the offenses of the condemned.

Faith In Jesus

Salvation is a gift from God that is made available through grace — Putting your faith in Jesus, making him your Lord and Savior and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead after taking your place as a sinner on the cross.

Now What?

The world tells you that you are perfect the way you are and that you do not need to change. The Bible teaches us differently, that we are sinful and ought to change. For many, walking in sin becomes normative in society and difficult to identify and even admit. But once you are convicted of your sin, you can give your life to Jesus Christ and be absolved of your sin and eternal punishment.

Where To Begin

Make a firm inward decision to go in a different direction in your life. Repent literally means to change your mind.
Believe on Jesus as Lord and that He died for your sins and rose from the dead. Believe in the Bible means to live out a thought, to believe in, to entrust, to rely on, to cling to.
Ask Forgiveness
Ask God for forgiveness of your sins
Turn Away From Sin
Turn away from your sins and sin no more. If your life is still the same, you should question your salvation — The transformation of your life should be evident.
Baptism is a sacred act that symbolizes the believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Pursue righteousness and holiness in your life. Receive the Holy Spirit of God and be sanctified by it. Sanctification literally means "to set apart for special use or purpose", that is, to make holy or sacred. Sanctification refers to the state or process of being set apart, i.e. "made holy", as a vessel, full of the Holy Spirit of God.

Still have Questions?

Plan your visit and come ask us in person this Sunday.